Damar Partners with Fire & Rescue Departments for Project Lifesaver
It’s a parent’s worst nightmare: A child wanders off and can’t be found. Damar is working with Project Lifesaver to ensure that these nightmares come with happy resolutions.
For parents and caregivers of children and adults with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities, the prospect of a lost child or adult is far too real. The people they care for are prone to wandering off or running away—and some are ingenious about getting through locked doors or slipping away when a caregiver is distracted.
In such cases, time is of the essence: The sooner someone is found, the more likely it is that tragedy can be avoided. That’s why Damar is tapping into the solution offered by Project LifeSaver.
Launched by a former chief of search and rescue for the Chesapeake (Va.) Sheriff’s Office, Project Lifesaver uses bracelets or anklets with small transmitters to help find a lost person quickly. Their products have helped searchers locate missing persons in an average of 30 minutes—95% less than the time it typically takes.
Damar is so determined to give parents and caregivers access to this tool that we are funding the purchase of a limited number of bracelets. Project Lifesaver bracelets are being offered at no cost to individuals with autism who exhibit runaway or wandering-off behaviors. If you have a loved one who could benefit from a project lifesaver bracelet, fill out this form.
And we’re giving you a chance to help, too. Click here to contribute to the purchase of bracelets for people in our community. Every dollar you donate goes directly toward the purchase of bracelets for people in Central Indiana. Damar is not keeping any of the proceeds.
To learn more about Project LifeSaver, go to www.projectlifesaver.org.